
English Essays


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English EssaysEnglish Essays

A phone call


A phone call

 A few weeks ago, a good friend of mine, whom I respect in many aspects, crushed badly into a tree, when he was skiing.
 He was skiing so fast that the impact could have been fatal.
 He was diagnosed one burst eye ball, a compound facial bone fracture, and a smashed wrist bones. Luckily his brain was not damaged. Even though his Doctors had to cut his throat out to get his wind pipe to breathe.
 It was a serious injury that anyone can imagine.

 In 1985, I had the same kind of injury. I was diagnosed one burst eye ball, and a compound skull fracture.
 It took me so long to get back on my skies. The accident finally made me retire from competing Freestyle skiing.

 This morning I had a phone call.
 When I look at the phone, it showed my injured friend's number. I naturally thought that his wife phoned me. And she was going to tell me how he is doing in his intensive care room.
 To my surprise, my friend's deep voice rang out. He was slow, but steady.

 First of all, he apologized me of the worries he caused. Then he asked me if he could come back on his feet, and if he could ski moguls again.

 Looking back my experience, I could not have such early hope. I could not think of any bright future in that early stage of my hospital time. I felt like, at the time, I completely lost my life.
 In my mind, comparing to my time, it was so touching to hear what he was telling me.
 He was worrying about me, and worrying about how long he needs to materialize his comeback.
 What a strong man he is!
 I was so close to crying.
 I truly wish his fast recovery, and wish the day we can ski together again.

 2 years after I wrote this article, he is shredding through bumps and jumping big back flipps.


The World of Masahito Tsunokai角皆優人の世界

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